Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday, 8pm

I had no hot water today, which means I couldn't take a shower or wash my hair - both major calamities to me. I sure hope it's back on tomorrow or I'm going to be very grumpy and unpresentable. Everything is so dusty here. There is little to no grass anywhere and the wind blows constantly, stirring up dust that whips through your hair the moment you step outside. In addition, it is so dry here that lips and hands feel chapped and flaky all the time. The Mongolian women all look so beautiful with their long black hair - I don't know how they stay looking so nice and untouched all the time. It's something I never learned.


  1. Can you wear a hat or scarf? That would at least help preserve your hair. Why no hot water? Just in your building or sections of the city? Yuck, you have my sympathy on that!!! I've washed my hair in cold water many times. After your scalp turns numb it's not so bad....

  2. I'm echoing Jo with my thought to wrap your head (and face) in a scarf/burqua. As for their long black hair - you had that once upon a time, I bet!
