Friday, May 20, 2011

Saturday, 5/21, 11:50 am. At school

I'm at school now, getting ready for the 2nd class of the day. Not much to say that's new. My thoughts are completely filled with dreams of hot water, clean hair, clean laundry and money flowing from ATM machines, none of which I'm going to have in the near future. Haly is back with me for the moment, so that is good news. I should have much more to relate after tomorrow's visit to the museum, so come back then. Things are still quite chilly here, not what I expected this near to the end of May, but luckily my dorm room is still comfortable. It's only the school rooms that are cold. Tomorrow will be my first attempt at taking a bus in the city. Should be interesting. I've heard that the buses don't slow down, regardless of the condition of the roads, which generally are not good, so looks like we're in for a bumpy ride. (Thank you, Bette Davis).


  1. The bumpy ride seems the norm for you lately -- no hot water, no shampoo, no money.... Yikes!

  2. I take it there are no gyms where they have (free) communal showers, eh?
