Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cattle in my neighborhood

I forgot to mention in the previous posting that yesterday when I came home from the school there was a small herd of cattle in my neighborhood. Now mind you, this is a university campus with numerous dorms and apartment buildings and everything is paved, but there they were just standing on the corner. I vowed at that moment I would not go anywhere without my camera. Can't believe that I didn't get a picture of them.


  1. Blog on, Babette! Never get mooving in the morning without your camera, obviously! Can't wait to read more fascinating blogs from the other side of the planet.

  2. Camera or no, steer clear of them or BULLy your way thru. What an interesting life you're having! jo

  3. I wish my mornings had that kind of variety! Just making my way through the masses along the subway system.
