Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday, 8:34 pm

The weather is trying to warm up, bit by bit. It's often warmer in the morning than it is when I finally leave school around 6pm. I've found that classes, although easier to teach now that we're following a book, are a lot less fun. I do take every opportunity to clarify a point of grammar or explain an uncommon phrase, but I feel as though the creativity has been taken from me and I'm just there as a train conductor, making sure all students get to the end of the paragraph at the same time. Oh well, can't have it all, I guess.

My new "friend" stopped by after classes today, although I'm not quite sure why. He accompanied me to the grocery store and then I went home. I asked him if he had any questions about the US, but he said he didn't and he left.

Yesterday the water was off in my room when I got home; later the electricity shut off, too. The whole neighborhood was pitch dark and I was grateful that I was already home and ready for bed when it happened. All I could see from the window were the fires in the gers that are tucked into various corners of the neighborhood: little round lights glowing in the darkness. They looked so cozy out there.


  1. Did you find out why the water and electricity were shut off? Does this happen on a regular schedule? Wow, maybe you should carry a flashlight in your purse -- climbing the steps to your apt in the dark might be risky!

  2. I haven't been outside my room in the dark yet. I've been getting home around 6-6:30 pm every night and it stays light until 9pm, so that hasn't been a problem yet. If I ever do go out in the evening, I'll take precautions. I don't know why things were off, but it happened in a fairly large area of the city; Haly commented that the electricity was off at her home, too. Everyone seems to take it in stride and not make much fuss about it, so I will, too.

  3. Well, at least you're in good company. Not that it makes much difference when you can't wash your hair. Maybe you can heat a pot of water on the stove to wash your hair over the sink???
