Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday, 6:21 pm Things are getting desperate

Day #2 of no hot water: Things are not looking good for our plucky girl in UB. This morning she heated water in her tea kettle and did the best she could at washing her hair and taking a sponge bath. The director of the school said she would try to find out why there is no hot water and when it would return, but left during the 2nd English class of the day and left no clue as to what she may have found out.

On the brighter side, I may be getting some company soon. Anita wrote me about a Swiss woman who is coming to Mongolia for a few weeks and will be in the city on and off during that time. I told her that Marta would be welcome to stay anytime, especially since I have the extra twin bed and would be glad of the company. She arrives sometime in early June and I'm looking forward to meeting her.


  1. Yikes! At least you have the hot water from the stove. You will enjoy your shower when the hot water returns. Is the problem still affecting the same area, or is your apartment just lucky?

  2. Will the guest be teaching as well? Might be nice to have a walking companion!
