Thursday, February 11, 2010

Traffic, revisited

I've seen buses cut around to the left to get past cars stopped at an intersection. They will actually pass a car or 2 and divert into the on-coming lane to make a left turn. I've seen cars from the left lane pass the car ahead of them on the right and then make a left turn. Jasmin and I joked that this was a holdover from Soviet days, when the individual didn't matter. I told her that if I got hit, it wouldn't matter: my coat is red and the blood wouldn't show!
I saw another episode of the Spanish Amazing Race last night and figured out that the teams are responsible for finding their own accommodations each night. It's been interesting trying to figure out the rules when I can't understand the conversation or the commentary. The teams travel as a group from town to town, none of the racing to get ahead of the pack, as in our version. The first team to check in at a designated place in the morning gets "immunity" for the next leg of the race, and they receive a special meal. One team had to race carrying a live chicken and a dozen eggs (no egg carton) to the next check-in point. I couldn't tell why they had to do so, or what the point of that was, except perhaps as a penalty?


  1. Just be careful crossing streets! Are there designated crossings where it's safer to cross?

  2. Yes, there are cross walks, complete with red & green pedestrian signs, but since the cars don't obey those signs, you still have to be alert and watch for anyone making a right or left turn into the lane where you are. Although I still cross at the intersections, I'm beginning to think that crossing in the middle of the street might be safer. At least then you'd only have to look for traffic coming from 2 directions!
