Saturday, February 20, 2010

Grocery shopping

I stopped at the Minii today to pick up just a few things. Of course you know how that goes. After I found the things I came in for, I took a look in the beverage aisle. I'm always thirsty here because of the dryness. So here's the selection of things I brought home: Orange-carrot-lemon juice, sea buckthorn juice, Aloe vera juice, hawthorn juice, apple-lemon-coconut juice, and one additional bottle that I haven't been able to translate yet. I'll take it to school and find out what it is. I'll report in with my reviews of my taste testing.


  1. Best to find out before you drink! Interesting combos. I hope you won't be dissatisfied with plain ole blueberry-pomegranate juice when you get home....

  2. Bummer. Just found out that the unidentified bottle is another bottle of sea buckthorn juice. The label was different and it didn't look like the stuff in the bottle I already had. Hope I like it!
