Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Conflict in the family

Some undefinable dynamics are going on in the Dogtown family. This morning the mother of the puppies was acting like an outcast. She is usually the most assertive and prominent member of the group, but today she wouldn't even come near when I was feeding everyone. I had to go over to her to make sure she got some breakfast. At that moment another adult came and pinned her down and growled at her, but I chased the other adult away with my purse. Immediately after eating she left the area and got away from the other adults. Usually she jumps up and plays with the daddy dog, so I have no idea what's going on. It'll be interesting to see what's going on tomorrow.


  1. Okay, my ignorance is showing, but could she be pregnant? Would that make her change her character like that?

  2. I suppose she could be pregnant, but she has just finished nursing the puppies and I don't know how soon she can become fertile after that. Today she was standing in the group when I approached, but didn't stay around for breakfast. If she IS pregnant, you'd think she would be even more interested in food.
