Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 11:15 am

I met with Marta yesterday afternoon after class and then we went to an Indian restaurant for dinner. I had paneer, a solid cottage cheese curd, that had been breaded and fried. Really good, although I am completely unfamiliar with Indian food. My only other encounter with the cuisine did not rate as highly. As I recall the food was heavily flavored with rose water and I didn't care for it at all. We've made plans to travel to a monastery this weekend on the train together. Should be fun. She just got back from a 16 day trip to central Mongolia and the Gobi and is eager to go exploring again. She's also moving into my dorm room for a couple of days, until we take off on Saturday. It will be nice to have company, although I hope I can keep the insomnia that has plagued me for the past 2 weeks under control. I've had trouble falling asleep, in spite of the 1-2 hour walks I take most days.
There isn't a lot to report. I get 4-5 students per class, just enough to keep it worthwhile to keep coming to school. These loyal students have invited me to a Korean restaurant on the day of the last class, so I think that I've made at least a small impact on their lives.


  1. I think you've made more than a small impact. That monastery trip sounds like it will be fun. Take photos! Now I know where I got my insomnia from...I can fall asleep, tho -- I just wake up around 2 or 3 PM, can NOT get back to sleep, and finally get up and start writing at 4 PM...which I'm doing now.

  2. Very nice of them! I'm sure they really appreciate all your group and individual help. What do you have planned for the final lesson?
