Sunday, June 26, 2011

Monday, June 27; 11:10 am

Saw the strangest thing this morning: a little girl about 1-2, wearing cuffs that buckled around her ankles, with a 12" strap between the cuffs. Looked like something you would hobble a horse with. I assume it was to keep her from running, but I found it as reprehensible as I do leashes on kids. Very strange.

Lessons learned about Mongolian motorists:
The person quickest on the horn gets the right of way.
There is always room for another car, whether between lanes of traffic or while turning the corner.
Just because there is only one turn lane painted on the road, that doesn't mean that 2 or 3 cars in parallel can't make the turn. It's more fun to do things with friends!
If I want to park here, I can.


  1. TOOOOO funny! I hope you're taking photos and saving your writings for your book!

  2. I was going to say the same thing...too funny! Are most drivers young? Do they have the "Florida" driver syndrome there at all?

  3. What's the Florida driver syndrome?
