Monday, May 23, 2011

Just take me out and shoot me NOW

I found out this morning that the hot water won't be back until the beginning of JULY!! I don't know how I will last until then. If I had the money to go to the spa I could probably make it week to week, but the money situation is far from being solved. Yesterday I had a meeting with the school's director, Bolormaa, and 2 reps from SDC and my questions about the salary were cleared up. After that it should have been a simple procedure to turn in my papers and collect my money. So today Haly and I went to the Accounting Office of the university and discovered that the woman in charge of (me? Foreigners? The money from outside sources?) has taken the rest of the week off. She will be back Monday. I would normally ask about getting an advance on the money due me, but that's a bit sticky in this situation because of Haly. Haly hasn't been paid by the university in two months and she keeps offering to loan me money, but how can I take money from her in her situation? Since Haly acts as my translator any questions I might have asked of the accounting officials go unasked because I don't want to take her money.

I can't tell you how many offices I went into this morning or how many people I saw in the quest for payment, but suffice it to say that the trip took more than two hours and I still have to go back this afternoon.

As for my Windows situation, well, that story's a bit funnier. I told Haly how my Windows got messed up after the electricity went off over the weekend and I was told to meet someone from the school at my room this morning and it would be fixed. I went back to the dorm after Skyping with Peter this morning, took the people into my room and proceeded to show them what happens when I turn the computer on. It turns out that Haly got the idea that my windows (the glass ones in my room) were damaged, not my Microsoft Windows. Sooooo, we went back to the administration building to talk to someone in a different office, probably to wait another few days before that problem is solved.


  1. I can't believe this. Can you imagine people in the US nonchalantly accepting the water situation? You poor thing. Can Bill wire you some money? Then you could at least go to a span and get clean. Why can't they get your money situation figured out? Was it this goofed up last year? Man, if this is life as usual there, I can't believe foreigners would come back!

  2. Wait til you have a problem with your Apple... ;)
