Monday, May 9, 2011

Graduation ceremony

Yesterday was graduation day for the undergraduates in the school of agriculture's veterinary medicine department. I walked over to the main building and watched for a while. The girls all had on beautiful and elaborate brocade dresses and the boys either had on suits or deels, the national Mongolian costume, with cowboy hats. They were striking. I couldn't get any good pictures, however, as the room was too dark. The families of the graduates all milled around, talking on cell phones while the graduation was going on. Seems to be customary for the grads to get huge bouquets of flowers and even larger stuffed animals. The boys got large ribbon bows with elaborate chains like watch chains pinned to their chests. It was all quite interesting, although I couldn't understand a word, of course. I asked one of the professors what someone can do with a bachelor's degree in veterinary medicine and was told that he/she could be a veterinary inspector.

Yesterdays classes were the best ones so far. Maybe I'll figure out this teaching thing sometime before I leave in July(!).

1 comment:

  1. If you do get your teaching figured out, you can go back for another round!
    Was the cell phone talking disruptive to the ceremony? I guess you could hear it; bound to inside. How very odd. We would think that extremely rude. I can understand phoning a relative to tell them of the ceremony, but why not after it's over? Weird.
