Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thursday, July 7. Happy Birthday, Peter!

After yesterday's adventure at the accountant's office I have little to add except to wish a very happy birthday to Peter. Can't quite believe he's 28 today. How is that possible? Today Marta and I have plans to go to the Gobi Hotel spa and get scrubbed and massaged into oblivion. Can't wait. Haly is also going to stop by to say goodbye, which will be hard. Then one last dinner with Marta and it's off to the airport for an 11:50 am flight to Beijing tomorrow. I don't know when I'll be back on the blog, but I'll do my best.

1 comment:

  1. Happy scrubbing and flying to you. And happy b-day to Peter. I still say you could make a career of going around and correcting English words on menus, etc. What a way to see the world!
