Monday, February 15, 2010

Computer problems

Major crisis: I can't log onto yahoo or this blog on my netbook. The internet connection is fine but doesn't connect. I'm at a cafe now sending out this message. It may not be fixed until I return to work. In addition I couldn't text Bill on my phone last night. Don't know what's going on but it began immediately after I wrote the White Moon blog yesterday. Hope to be back on line sometime soon.


  1. I'm experiencing withdrawal symptoms! No articles for who know how long.... Yikes!!!! I need my daily read!

  2. I hope it doesn't last long. Mom

  3. Oh Mongolian God of all computers, have mercy on thy servant Babette and restore the health and vitality of the almignty keyboard. Accept our offerings of oranges and ginseng incense. TTFN! Mary
